Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brokenness; Have you been there?

Psalms 38; 51; 103; 32.

    Lord Forgive me for I have sinned! How can we put into words what that really means? Have I seen my condition and come to this conclusion or am I in a desperate place in need of God's salvation? Am I saying this to appease my guilt or to look good in front of others?

    King David was said to be a man after God's own heart. His prayers of brokenness are filled with a cry that cannot be described by simple words. His love for God is so deep that you can feel the pain he feels. You can almost see the tears and feel the down deep disappointment towards letting God down.

   Sins have consequences. We don't like to dwell on that fact, yet it's an inescapable truth. We just think that if we sin against anyone God will forgive us and if you are truly repentant that is true. Yet what kind of trail do we leave in the wake of our sin? Have you ever stopped to ask that question? Who or what gets affected by my sin?

First the people around us, those who we sin against directly. We now have left a mark or a wound on someone that we need to restore. The thought process should make us wonder how deep is the wound we have inflicted. What measures do we have to take to restore those relationships? Have you been there? The next group of people are those who are affected by the reaction to our sin of those we've sinned against. Here is what it looks like; my sin affects person A; person A then shares the pain and hurt my sin caused with person B; Person B is now disappointed, if not angry , with us; person B now goes and gossips (thier own sin) to others of what happened to person A because of our sin. The last but not least of those affected is God. Scripture tells us that when we sin we grieve the Holy Spirit. God has deep feelings for all his children. When John describes Jesus after Lazarus' death the Greek word for wept shows emotions and tears from Jesus. God grieves for our sins but He has also provided a solution to our sins. Forgiveness through repentance and surrender to Jesus as Savior and Lord.

    Do you see how our sin affects everything? So too repentance and surrender to Jesus changes you forever. Does your brokenness overwhelm you like it did David? Do like David did take it to the Lord in prayer, repent and start living as a forgiven child of God.