Friday, January 27, 2012

What are you crying for? Thoughts on John11:35

   Have you ever cried so hard that nothing mattered? Your loss is so deep and your hurt is so painful that you cry without control?  In the gospel according to John in chapter 11 Jesus weeps. The definition for that type of emotion in the Greek is to shed tears: - weep, to sob, wail aloud.
   When you read the gospel according to John he stresses that we have a God who cares deeply. After arriving at Lazarus, Mary and Martha’s house in Bethany, Jesus is overwhelmed and when he saw the weeping and wailing, he too wept openly. This was a close friend of Jesus that has just died. Even if he knew that he would bring him back from the dead, Jesus was showing us that even God grieves the loss of a loved one. The popular Greek concept of God in that day was of a God with no emotions and no messy involvement with humans. John brings so many emotions of Jesus in this passage—compassion, indignation, sorrow, even frustration. Often Jesus expressed deep emotion, and we must never be afraid to reveal how we really feel to him. He understands all of our emotions, for he experienced them. We go around being politically correct with everyone and hiding things from God instead of being honest; stop trying to hide anything from your Savior. He deeply, intimately and passionately loves and cares for you.
   OK so picture this scene; the mourners are wailing, Mary weeps inconsolably, and Jesus comes in. He can’t help but start crying! Here is my question, didn’t He knew what would be happening? Why, then, does He weep? Besides the obvious loss of Lazarus. Hear me out, maybe Jesus wept because He started to think of how sin destroys, sin kills, and sin stinks. Don’t we find this to be true? If you look around, you find it to be so? When we look around the World and our lives, aren’t we seeing heartache and sadness in many places all around us because of sin? Does it not break your heart and make it heavy when you realize that so many dear precious people and strangers are hurting because of sin?
Maybe Jesus wept because of all the unbelief that constantly surrounded Him. He gave a promise that Lazarus would rise to Mary and it went right over her head, no one embraced or believed it because they thought He was just trying to make them feel better. Instead they were all wrapped up in their mourning. Jesus was trying to tell them; "It's going to be all right." But they said, "No, it's not." So, too, when He says all things are working together for good (Rom_8:28), and we say, "No they're not". Our unbelief must break His heart as well.
Perhaps Jesus wept because He knew He was going to pull Lazarus out of Paradise and bring him back to this planet. Poor Lazarus! So what are you crying for? Is it your friends, your sin, your circumstances? Does your heart ache because you don’t spend as much time with God as you would like? What are you waiting for? Cry out to Jesus and surrender your all to Him!